EASTS Best Transportation Landmark Photo Contest 2007



The EASTS Best Transportation Landmark Photo Contest (BTLP) is a biannual competition held in conjunction with the EASTS conference. The aim of the contest is to find contemporary photographic images that exemplify the development of safe, secure, sustainable and efficient transportation systems in the EASTS member countries and regions. To this end, BTLP contest entrants are encouraged to submit photographs that highlight a specific issue or development in transportation from their country or region, and that do so through excellence in photographic composition, imagery and artistry.


BTLP 2005 Website



1. Schedule


Late August 2007:

Call for submission of photographs, on EASTS website

14 September 2007:

Deadline for submission of photographs

21 September 2007:


Selection of candidate photographs by BTLP Sub-Committee. The shortlisted photographs will then be judged at the conference

During conference (24-25 September):

On-site voting by EASTS members at conference (concludes at lunch time on Day 2 of the conference)

Selection by sub-committee and approval by Board



2. Prizes


First, second and third prizes will be awarded. The prize awards are:

1st Prize          $US 125

2nd Prize        $US 75

3rd Prize         $US 50


Prizes are awarded on the basis of public voting by EASTS regular members, selection by the BTLP Sub-Committee, and the approval of the EASTS Board.



3. Procedures


Contestants submit photos to a pool in one or more categories. A panel of volunteer judges (the BTLP Sub-Committee) independently selects photos from the pool immediately after the last date for submission. All submitted photographs complying with the rules of the competition as assessed by the sub-committee are displayed on the website and open to public voting until the commencement of the conference.


3.1 Applicant eligibility


Photographs must be submitted by EASTS regular members or others who register to attend the EASTS conference. This measure is introduced to encourage entrants to attend the closing ceremony of the conference. Note that the cash prizes can only be presented to prize winners who actually attend the closing ceremony, as EASTS is unable to pay the additional costs of bank transfers that would then be incurred.


3.2 Competition rules


Photographs made with a digital camera or digital images made by converting from films will be considered:


Some image modifications are allowed. The following rules apply unless stated otherwise:


The following examples of permitted modifications may be applied selectively or globally unless otherwise stated:


Copyright and permissions are of vital concern:


Certain general conditions also apply in assessing the eligibility of a photograph for the BTLP competition:


3.3 Voting and selection


The prize winning photographs are selected by a process including public voting by EASTS regular members, evaluation and recommendation by the BTLP Sub-Committee, and approval by the EASTS Board. As well as popularity as indicated by the public voting, the concept, composition and message conveyed by the photograph is also taken into account. The selection process is thus:

  1. public voting by EASTS regular members on-site during the conference
  2. selection by the BTLP Sub-Committee members on the basis of the suitability, concepts, composition and messages conveyed by the photographs and the results of the public voting
  3. recommendation by the BTLP Sub-Committee to the Board
  4. final approval of the Board.


Public voting is open to EASTS regular members only and only one vote per member is allowed. The vote may only be lodged on-site at the conference venue. Voting will be through the use of voting sheets distributed at the registration desk and a display of the candidate photographs near the registration desk.



4. Use of prize winning photographs


EASTS reserves the right to use the prize winning photographs for such publications as exhibitions, ID card backgrounds, journal covers and web page design. The digital data of the prize-winning photographs will be kept by EASTS for two years after the conference. After that time, the data will be discarded.



5. Procedure for submitting photographs


Photographs for the BTLP competition should be emailed to eastsBTLP@unisa.edu.au by the final submission date of 14 September 2007. Entrants must supply full contact details (Name, Sex, Affiliation, E-mail, Post Address, Tel/Fax), including their EASTS regular membership number (or evidence that they have registered for the EASTS 2007 conference), and should provide a title and short description for each photograph (see examples in the previous contest).




Professor Michael A P Taylor

Convenor, BTLP Sub-Committee of EASTS